This Spring has felt a little bit like I’m wearing a jetpack with a limited amount of rocket fuel. I’ve started on several new projects in fits and spurts, gained a little height and new perspective, and am just now allowing this new growth to settle and root.
Spring can be exciting but also unstable. It’s the season of wind, which brings change, and the energetic movement of spring is up and out. Like the seeds propulsing themselves up and out as they sprout.
As we slide towards summer, the energetic movement shifts towards “spreading.” Summer is the season of warm sand, picnic blankets in the park. It’s the time of year most people travel/vacation as the sunlight and longer days bring a little more ease.
One of the projects I brought to fruition this spring was completing my 108-hour Restorative Yoga Teacher Training.
On Sunday June 2nd at 9am EST, I’ll be offering a free Restorative Yoga Mini Retreat online. If online yoga isn’t your thing, I invite you to come anyways and see how it feels.
I completed my entire 108-hour training online and can tell you that it’s incredibly juicy to be in your own space in your pjs or comfiest clothes while lying down. Being in your own space gives your body permission to really rest.
Even if you’ve never done yoga, I also invite you to step in and see how it feels.
Restorative Yoga is an adaptable practice with minimal physical movement but lots of breath work and grounding practices. We’ll be using blankets and bed pillows (no fancy yoga props needed, not even a mat if you don’t already have one) to find propping and support to help our nervous systems settle.
In fact, if you struggle with anxiety or chronic pain, restorative yoga is an amazing opportunity to help you recover your energy and rest so that you can heal.
Bring your partner, your pet, invite your kids to come make a pillow fort for themselves. All are welcome and, in fact, I would LOVE 💕 it if you helped me spread the word and forwarded this message or shared my website events link with a friend.
The more the merrier! We can create a container of self-care together.
Please help me “spread” the power of the relaxation response. Pun intended.
As always, if you have questions, reach out.
And I will hope to see you online on Sunday June 2nd.