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In-Person Weekly "Beginner's Yoga" Class

At Studio 34 Yoga in West Philly

Monica Fauble, Licensed Acupuncturist, in seated meditation

Every Monday, 10am-11am, $10, Online Registration Required


These gentle one-hour sessions are designed to be accesible, supportive, and soothing. Come learn basic alignment for common yoga poses and learn how to breathe more deeply and fully in order to ease anxiety and reduce stress. Brand new beginner's are encouraged to come, and those more familiar with yoga are invited back to the basics. 



For more information or to register please visit Studio 34 Yoga's website

Virtual Weekly "Breathe & Be" Class

Online Through Zoom

Monica Fauble of Acupuncture with Monica in Philadelphia, PA pictured in side plank posture on a black yoga mat

Every Wednesday Morning, 7:30am-8:30am, suggested donation of $10-$20,

No Registration Required


This active, playful, challenging, and fun-loving class is designed for those with some yoga experience who want to practice in (virtual) community. Come learn the nuances of healthy alignment to keep your body happy and healthy. We will also focus on breathwork to help keep us yoked up mind-body-and-spirit. You might even learn a little Sanskirt.

This class is offered on Zoom. Please email me to receive the link.

For more information or to receive the Zoom link, please contact me.

In-Person or Virtual Private Yoga Sessions

Learn in an environment tailored to your needs.

Monica Fauble, Owner of Acupuncture with Monica in Philadelphia, PA, seated with arms in cactus pose, teaching yoga virtually on Zoom

Scheduled On Demand, $150


Sometimes you want a more personalized approach. Maybe going to a class at a studio feels like too much, or maybe you have very specific questions and needs. I'm happy to design a class just for you. Private classes can be held in-person at my West Philly office or virtually in the comfort of your home.

Private Yoga Classes can help you:
*Learn how to breathe more deeply

*Sync up body, mind and spirit to help you experience your wholeness

*Reduce pain and recover from injuries or limitations to movement

*Understand your body and movement patterns better so that you can find more freedom and ease

*Answer questions and troubleshoot common yoga poses so that you can feel more comfortable attending a yoga class if and when you want to

Please contact me to discuss scheduling your private yoga session.

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