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  • Writer's pictureMonica Fauble

Seasonally Depressed? Here’s How You Can Flip the Script.

Updated: Dec 17, 2022

Green leaves in autumn, dappled with sunlight

Autumn is an ideal time of year for release. It’s the perfect time of year for restorative yoga, long walks, enjoying the sun. And, indeed, the sun can feel special, even more like a miracle, during these shorter, darker days.

Wonder and awe are two of the emotions inspired by autumn. Think of the leaves, of the majesty of that crimson ripple across a mountain range. Watching the leaves swirl towards the earth in the wind and admiring the stark beauty of bare branches.

Autumn is also the time of year when the emotion of grief is most heightened. We mourn what we let go of. When we do this in reverence to making space for what’s new in the coming cycle of next year, sometimes this transition can feel a bit more manageable.

Autumn and spring are pivot (transitional) seasonals. In autumn, we’re turning from the full heat, full yang, full expansion of summer to the full cold, full yin, full pulling in of winter.

How can we honor this transition, how can we make more space in our lives to mourn, to grieve, to encounter wonder and awe?

Part of my life mission has always been connecting with spaciousness. I’ve always been a bit of a dreamer, a floater, a feeler, and I’d like to invite you to connect with these qualities too.

The holidays are almost upon us. This is a great opportunity to slow down, to pause, to take some time for yourself so that you can feel somewhat refreshed as you approach winter and after that a brand new cycle of the seasonal year.

This is a great time of year to journal, to sleep, to dream, to let yourself imagine the life you’d like to live. The seeds that you plant now will begin to reach fruition in the spring.

What would help you set yourself up for your most wondrous life?

If you need some help letting go and dropping into a self-reflective imagining, consider coming in for acupuncture, or booking a telemedicine self-care strategy session. I’m here to help you uncover the life you want to live.

Dare to dream this autumn and be bold enough to water your seeds for the coming rebirth.

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