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  • Writer's pictureMonica Fauble

Feeling Muddled or Distended? Here’s Some Help.

Monica Fauble, Licensed Acupuncturist

August is the season of late summer in Chinese Medicine. That heavy-headed, humid, hard-to-eat time of year. Many of us might be feeling wiped out, bloated, or muddled during this late summer season. 

Late summer is the season of the Earth element—the digestive organ systems—in Chinese Medicine. These systems tend to get sludgy when they’re overburdened or stuck. 

Here are a few tips to help you lighten the load in your body, mind and heart during this late summer season, or even anytime throughout the cycle of the year.

1. Keep it simple. Late summer is a time of year we tend to cram things in. That final Mister Softee, that last searing-hot beach day, or last-call getaways. There’s nothing wrong with any of these and, in fact, please enjoy these summer treats but also remember that the peaking of the heat and humidity in nature are inviting us to begin slowing down and savoring what’s already available. 

Late summer is harvest-time in nature. During this time of year, the fruit is so heavy on the vine or on the branch that the trees might feel and even appear weighed-down. 

It’s ok to not pluck every available fruit. 

What you let go of can even start to compost and prepare the soil for that which lies ahead.

Maybe late summer can remind us to simply enjoy the season, rather than adding more to your literal (or metaphorical) plate. 

2. Chew your food. Well-chewed food, and longer, more leisurely meals, are an opportunity to help your digestive system destress. This is also a great time of year to begin to switch away from salads towards steamed or stewed or cooked foods which are generally much easier to digest. 

Again, assess your schedule for opportunities to take it easy, especially if you have a tendency to bite off more than a mouthful at a time.  

How has this super-wet late summer season felt for you so far? Drop me a line and let me know.

Looking for support for digestive disorders or just general digestive distress? Feeling anxious, overburdened, or overwhelmed? Reach out to learn more about how I can help you recover your well-being

Looking to cultivate and connect with truly regenerative rest? I have two restorative yoga sessions scheduled for early this fall at Studio 34 Yoga (same workshop, 2 different dates). Schedule early to access early bird pricing

And, as always, reach out if you have any questions. I’m here.

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